Monthly Archive: September 2015

The Best Artist In The World


Fabian Perez, ever heard of him? Well you should of! If you haven’t, go look him up! He is an amazing, amazing artist! He is so talented with his work! His paintings are phenomenal and just keep getting better and better! My dad actually collects his paintings and seriously, I could just stare at them all day!

Fabian Perez, born in 1967 and raised in Campana, was born and raised in a brothel. Being brought up around sultry women, Fabio formed an intense imagination and grew up to be a legend in the art industry! His famous paitings are of sultry women (who are actually real by the way) doing poses in their suspenders and sexy clothes! It sounds all very sexual but the paintings are so delicetly painted and the women have a real elegance about them! The women are absolutely beautiful which helps of course! (more…)